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May 11, 2010
Well did we ever have a fun Mother’s Day! We did our annual Brunch on my patio and all the critters were there and enjoying a nice but wild meal. We had so many new ones this year for some reason they got an early start this spring or maybe it just seemed that way…lol….DT the Super Squirrel was here…boy was he ever….for those that don’t know DT…..short for double trouble…which he is…he may have started chasing the young girl squirrels but he still was running riot through the whole meal and early afternoon….there were a few close calls with the fledglings all most getting run over by DT as he jumped from limb to limb or swinging from the vines of wild Jasmine only to leap onto the fence around the patio and onto one of the tables where he would stop only long enough to see if the girls were checking him out during all of his antics……just a small part of his same old same old…..I wish he would grow up faster and be blessed with his own brood and I hope they give him a run for his money…….OMG…..I sound like my mother! And what am I thinking? Those same off spring will be coming to my PATIO! Oh I hope he finds a very, very calm, cool and collected mate! Maybe that will balance it all out. So onward….we had the rabbit families here with bunches of young ones….Pinky, Billy Bob, Tony {Pinky’s bo}, JoBo all of the opossum gang….then the raccoons Little Momma and her young ones Benny, June and Bebe….also the older crew of Tater, Tot and Rocco. Most of the snakes, turtles, lizards and field mice were there too! But by far the most were the feathered friends….Mr. and Mrs. Brown Thrasher {my year round residents of my little urban wildlife habitat…only their young leave each year to start their own families} and we had Cardinals, Blue Jays, Mocking Birds, Mourning Doves, Carolina Wrens, Grackles, Gray Cat Birds, Robins, Hairy Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, the last of the White Throated Sparrows and Dark Eyed Juncos before they took off, Gray Tufted Titmouse, Brown-Headed Nuthatch, but by far the most this year was the Carolina Chickadees and a close second was the House Finch! So it was busy Mother’s Day out on my patio…… and me and the inside critters with two legs had a good time too……but for the first time all of my critters weren’t able to come home… younger son is on post at Fort Leonard Wood,  Mo completing the last stage of his training after basic training at Fort Jackson, SC……. but he was able to call me……several times….really lots of times…..and the last was to tell his mom good night…..yes made me smile….a mom is always going to be a mom no matter where they lay their head at night…..and a comforting good night when possible…..comforting to mom ……and even to a new soldier son. I hope everyone had a good Mother’s Day…..both mothers and children…… hold tight those memories and remember to make new ones too…….until our paths cross again…….Lila 
This post’s color in reminder of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  
2 Comments leave one →
  1. jane kelly lil miss and whtever permalink
    May 11, 2010 1:21 pm

    awwwww!!! i love chicks!
    theres this thing in Ireland where you can see a vid cam in the chicks nest and you can watch it on the internet wheneva you want!!!! last year, they got attacked by a bat 😦
    which is strange really cause there isnt any bats in ireland that wouldave gone for chicks, and the 1s that did were near the sea and the sea is REALLY far away from the nest!
    oh well…… Happy ma’s day!!!

  2. May 11, 2010 8:56 pm

    Hello, no you posted in the right place just in case you don’t see the bird photos….lol…had some technical difficulties and will re-post the bird photos in a separate post…..don’t know why they wouldn’t all post the way I wanted them….but so is life and you adjust….thanks for stopping in and see the other post with even more photos…..I hope anyway….lol….. Lila

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